Sunday 14 November 2010

Change4Life - Aardman animated advert promoting the government's campaign to cut obesity, in which people are encouraged to do 60 minutes of exercise a day. Created by M&C Saatchi

Barnardos - 'Break the Cycle', Advert for Barnardo's in which a young girl is shown slipping into a life of crime after suffering domestic abuse. Created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty. Effective with its use of repetition.

Action for Children - Effective in the way the child is represented as very small - insignificant, but also as a toy - relates to children etc. Created by Baby Creative

Save the Children - An ad created by Wieden Kennedy London for Save the Children highlights how 10 million under-fives could have been saved from malnutrition last year

NHS Smoking - Brand new public information film from 2008. We see young children copying their parents in different situations, including one whose mother smokes. Children learn by example - don't "keep smoking in the family".

NYC PSA - Quit Victoria - Scared Little Boy (Anti-Smoking ad)
Child in ad shed real tears, producer admits...Anti-smoking agency says his anxiety only lasted a few seconds
'The makers of a controversial anti-smoking ad let a 4-year-old boy lose sight of his mother so that he would cry on camera. But they insist that the child was not harmed and the childs anxiety lasted a matter of only a few seconds.'
Toward the end of the PSA, the boy loses sight of his mother, and he sheds some real tears 'but it was a very brief moment', according to Fiona Sharkie, the executive director, of the Australian anti-smoking organization that produced the ad, said'.
The ad is part of a series of graphic — some would say disturbing — anti-smoking television commercials were run in New York City by the department of health.
When he loses sight of his mother, his look of puzzlement turns into abject fear as tears roll down his face. A voice-over then says, This is how your child feels after losing you for a minute. Just imagine if they lost you for life. More of an impact because it is 'real'?

NHS Organ Donation - The UK government's first TV ad for organ donation, created by AMV BBDO. The first UK-wide multimedia campaign to promote organ donation.
While 96% of us would accept an organ if we needed one, only 27% of us have the joined the NHS Organ Donor Register (ODR).
Many of us (45%) have the best intentions to sign up to the ODR and commit to donate our organs for transplantation after our death, but just havent got round to it.
While some people are still unclear about how to register, a significant proportion of us (17%) are ready to act now. A further 19% need to involve their family in the decision. Research also shows a disparity between those who think theyve already signed up to be an organ donor 35% as compared with the actual figure of 27% (16.5 million) on the ODR.
The campaign aims to increase significantly the number of people on the ODR, asking what we would do if someone we love needed an organ: if we would accept an organ, shouldnt we be prepared to give one?

Frank, Talk to Pablo - See the advert for the government's 'Frank' drugs awareness campaign, focusing on cocaine and featuring the character 'Pablo the drug mule dog', voiced by Peep Show star David Mitchell. The ad was created by Mother.

Women's Aid - Keira Knightly -Atonement actor stars in ad for Women's Aid aiming to raise awareness of domestic violence. Shot by Atonement director Joe Wright and produced by Grey London. Use of celeb status to raise awareness, combining the element of her job in the ad - 'this wasn't in the script' etc. Very violent - adds bigger impact, as it zooms out we should feel comforted by the fact it isn't real, it is a film set, yet the ongoing abuse makes it harrowing - it won't stop, won't cut. Brought me to tears.

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