Tuesday 9 November 2010

Dynamic Image: More research.

So I've been looking at potential ideas for this project.

Idea One
Focus the PIF on a 'common courtesy' theme.
Have a character, maybe not in human form, but a subject that represents people, acting as the protagonist. Throughout his day he comes into contact with 'rude' people. This then could be broken into three or more etc, and each act could act as a separate advert, with all the combined animations making the story complete. Acts could include, for example, holding a door open people working through not thinking to thank or take the door from our character, with the door finally smacking the protagonist in the face. Character goes flying. Idea that even thou after all that has happened in his bad day, one person helps, i.e. the character to get up.  Another part could show queue jumping - on a bus stop, someone queue jumps and pushes our protagonist now. Doors of bus closes and drives off. Whilst protagonist is down on floor, angry at missing the bus, he receives a helping hand.
Taglines could include:
"Common courtesy costs nothing"
"Common courtesy - put a smile on someone's face"
I also have an idea for a print campaign for this idea to.

With etiquette I mostly get annoyed with trains, and how when they arrive at the platform, people push to the doors, regardless of the fact that people need to get off, and there are conductors making sure everyone who needs to will get on the train - its not the underground. Still that is the basis for this idea.

I want people to realise that being pleasant really doesn't cost anything, the world is very negative - it needs changing!!

Research here, and here.

Character idea in my head is a bit similar to the characters used for the Bupa adverts - simple personified shapes! The shapes present various medical situations. The message is quite complex - healthcare etc but the simplicity of basic geometric shapes make it clear and very easy to understand; the advert isn't over powered by complex drawings or facial expressions etc.

Idea Two
Missing people. Idea to take a photo of a crowd - much like opening to 'Without a Trace'

Erase people, turn them into line drawings - empty space where the missing person used to be.

Idea Three
Pineapples - Running with this idea blindfolded - no clear message, yet. I've no idea about what the advert would say (Fair Trade?) but I have some ideas for how visuals could/may look for this one.

Idea Four
Fair Trade - before fair trade, effects its had, why its good - look into details on website.

Idea Five
The one I'm most confident, currently, with.
Looked at welfare, cruelty, and endangered.
Strongest I feel is endangered - could erase the animals.
British wildlife - how we can use gardens to help endangered species.

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