Monday 22 November 2010

Dynamic Image: The Tiger

I actually did this before the monkey, but thanks to a very rubbish memory stick had to wait to get the files to put them into istop.
Anyway, the lighting is bad, and the end is a bit shaky - where I was trying to figure out how to place the camera. I also hit it a few times out of place, so this might be seen.
The end is waaay too quick as I was figuring out how much that I would change, for instance the first shot I had drawn one part (i.e. a line) the next two, the third three and so on and so forth. Doing it this way was too quick so I slowed it down drastically changing one thing at a time.
However, this could relate to the decline of a species, i.e. the less animals there are, the quicker the decline, because there aren't enough to reproduce etc.

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