Wednesday 3 November 2010

Dynamic Image: COI

"COI is also uniquely responsible for producing and distributing public information films.
These films are on health, safety and welfare topics. Sometimes it's about providing information, for example changes to E111 health insurance forms, and sometimes it's about influencing behaviour such as anti-bullying."
"Today, public information films are very different to those produced in earlier times. Production has changed in line with technological advances, so they often look like commercials or programmes. And, of course, we use contemporary figures to get the message across."
"COI distributes public information films to all broadcast TV stations and currently almost 100 channels use them, including all major commercial stations, the BBC and ethnic channels.
The films are also shown on screens at non-broadcast outlets, e.g. screens in supermarkets, universities, GP surgeries, football stadiums, pubs, trains, buses and motorway service stations."

PIF are based around facts - Think! webiste.

New motorbike campaign:-

The facts

Motorcyclists are 57 times more likely to be injured in serious or fatal crashes than car drivers.

In 2008 493 motorcyclists died and 5,556 were seriously injured in road collisions in Great Britain.

Injuries to motorcyclists are far out of proportion to their presence on our roads. Motorcyclists are just 1% of total road traffic, but account for 19% of all road user deaths.  (Source: Reported Road Casualties Great Britain 2008).
Typically around three-quarters (75%) of motorcycle KSIs occur in collisions involving another vehicle (usually a car).  In 2008, just over half (51%) occurred in collisions at junctions, with the remainder of KSIs occurring either in crashes with other vehicles away from junctions (24%) or in single vehicle incidents (25%) .

THINK! motorcycles strategy

The new THINK! motorcycles strategy is supported by national communications campaigns aimed at drivers and motorcyclists.
The national campaign divides into two strands of communications by getting:
 - Car drivers to notice motorcyclists on the road by thinking more about the person riding the motorcycle.
 - Motorcyclists to take steps to manage and reduce their own personal risk.

These facts means that something has to be done in order to stop the problem - message got across through the use of film etc.

This film doesn't use shocking tactics. Still effective because it makes you realise that if you're not careful you could hurt someone. Catchy song - stay in head, links with subject/theme. Could be used all hours of the day!

A further UK public information film from the Energy Efficiency Trust, advising viewers how fitting draft prevention during cold weather can benefit themselves and the environment.

UK public information film which advises viewers to cut down on gaseous waste and protect the environment around them.

A regional UK public information film, originally shown in the South-East of England, in which a now disabled car driver explains the cost of speeding.

UK public information film advising viewers that they should know how to escape from a house fire.

UK public information film/advert crossover asking viewers to donate to the charity in question.

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