Monday 22 November 2010

Dynamic Image: Initial Tests/Research

Ok, so I've started developing the 'undraw' idea I had for endangered animals. I've done some tests to see how it would look.
I tried 24fps, 12fps and 6fps - I think it works better when its slower, i.e. at 6 frames per second, just because I think if its too fast it will loose its effect. However, if its too long, people will get bored = catch 22.
The lighting is terrible. Used a lightbox - I need to think about this. Should I light from behind, light up the paper from the front or both, use the flash, don't use the flash etc?
Hand is visible in some parts - I need to remember that in the final NOTHING SHOULD BE VISIBLE but the image!
A bit worried that this may be too dull and how to fit the words in. I need to think about variety of shots...

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