Saturday 6 November 2010

Dynamic Image: More research.

Make Time to Play.
A PIF advising parents on how to make time to spend playing with their kids - i.e. ideas of what they could do.
Video of two adverts present real life children with a cardboard box, then imagination takes over, and the film becomes an animation, using the cardboard box as a theme. The children become cartoons, made from cardboard boxes. Child friendly - use of bold colours, fun cartoons etc, with the over voice presenting the message successfully to the parents, the main audience.

[Two kids, girl and boy, unwrap an empty cardboard] For your kids, play time is any time, and any thing is a play thing.
All they need is imagination. [The kids get into the empty cardboard box. Scene changes to cartoon box kids on a country road]
Play helps kids make friends. <whistle>[3rd 'box kid' comes along.] Grow in confidence. Be more active. [3rd kid turns into a cardboard car with square wheels] And aware of the world around them, just by having fun. [Girl gets into car. Boy tries, but fails, to push.]
Help make your kids who they are today, and what they'll be tomorrow. [Boy turns crank that moves the scenery making the car appear to move.]


I've been looking at potential ideas for my PIF animation by focusing on issues that are around today. So I've looked at huge lists of issues, then I will pick a few and look further into them. We were told to look at something that we feel strongly about, and currently I feel really strongly about the lack of common courtesy there is (especially on trains) so I've been toying with that idea. However, I want to look at other themes/subjects too. Really good website that I discovered whilst looking for issues which features, in depth, particular current affair topics, one was about pineapples and how they're production is causing health and environmental degradation in Costa Rica. This lead me on to think about Fair Trade, could be a start. And thinking about just the pineapples, I have a few ideas about how it could be presented.
There are a lot of issues out in the world. I want to choose something effective, but I also want to execute it in a clever and interesting way.

UK statistics also may be a good place to look for a theme/idea.

PSA Public Service Announcement -

Also read about how to make a PIF effective. The first thing says choose an important topic. So I need to think about what people do care about (or will care about after seeing the PIF) and something that is interesting. The subject matter needs to be relevant. It also suggests that one idea/message should be used for each PIF therefore the message is got across quickly and effectively; its straight to the point, and the audience are not bombarded with too much information. The firework PIF in one of my recent posts is an extremely good example of this, using mainly imagery to get the point across effectively.

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