Monday 18 October 2010

Dynamic Word: A bit more thought....

The Word Idea
Is going to have to be quite basic and follow a very simple system i.e. noun verb noun system.
It would therefore be a very small narrative (if you could class it as one - is a sentence a narrative, does it count as a narrative?) although there would be a lot of choices.
I'm thinking think of using 26 different words for verbs 26 different adjectives etc but I would need to think how many options are given at one time.
The sentences would be completely nonsensical.
Links here, here and here to 'odd' and 'unusual' words.
There are considered to be eight parts of speech:
So I could extend the sentences make them longer, or repeat sentences over and over - how many can you make.
Every time you click an option a page opens revealing the word's definition and gives another e.g. three options. Might have to consider recording the sentence as the reader travels through the game.

The dream idea would be easier because it could be completely random, but I'm worried it won't 'flow' as well, even thou its not supposed to because its non-linear.
I think I would need to set some limits on how many options are used e.g. people, places etc perhaps group the choices into themes, it was, red, blue, green.
Commonly, when we dream we see images that our subconscious mind has processed from our conscious mind. And dreams don't make sense. So rather than tell a story, present the conscious example of what we saw in the day. So for instance, I was on a ship (perhaps you were looking at a cruise catalog), and I saw Johnny Depp (because you read his latest film review.)
This would allow for completely random outcomes; would be very broad, and definitely wouldn't tell a story. Dead ends could also be included as 'you woke up' and begin again could be 'fall back to sleep?'

The fairy tale idea might be easier as well but I don't want to have it too cliched like the actual CYOA books; I want a really original and unique concept but the layout is mindboggling. I have thought about a plot but I don't know how I would link the individual sections together. I want to use many fairy tales. Perhaps I should approach it like the dream sequence idea - start with one thing and see where it ends up, e.g. you are little red riding hood and you see a frog, a bear, a wolf. The frog tells you....etc etc. There could be multiple endings and dead ends (eaten by the 3 bears) or one main one.
Another concept for this theme could be the reader is a prince and by making choices discovers which princess he will discover.

"An example of [nonlinear narrative] is the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. The film is ostensibly three short stories, which upon closer glance are actually three sections of one story with the chronology broken up."
I could break up three dreams or three fairy tales but they flow in a funny order like Pulp Fiction so the stories are all there but you dont get all of it in one go. Would be very basic - use more than three stories or break up into multiple parts (not just a beginning, middle and an end.)

I'm getting worried with how to start. I think I will do dream idea first, fairy tale as a back up and the word idea if I have time.

Daily Inspiration:-

Well I'm still loving Hurts, but can't post them everyday! So I will post something that's actually graphic design. This is a link to Olly Moss' website, you might of seen his redesigned posters in Empire Magazine, he does a different one every month. I absolutely love his approach; so simple yet really, really effective.

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