Saturday 30 October 2010

Dynamic Word: More Page Layout

Enlarged text - Easier to read now 12pt not 10pt.

 Narrative now spread over a two page mock up of a book as opposed to one - more authentic. Allows for larger text. Prefer this mock up as opposed to the one below - lots of space, but with this space I could include imagery which would be shown on the picture page. 'O' of 'Once' looks more 'comfortable' in the way its been placed - text around it, looks like it fits in, whereas on other two examples, looks out of place/weird.

If I used a larger pt size words may take over, but top of page - big space - imagery??

Spreading story over two 'pages' of a book layout. Played with placing of narrative text, and size and position of choice indicator.

Edit - 5/11/2010

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