Sunday 17 October 2010

Dynamic Word: Plant a Word Tree.

Remembered this...
Plant a word tree. Also another type of non-linear narrative using existing text. Choose a story and write a word to start your tree. I picked 1984, one of my favourite books, and wrote 'brother' and hey presto a tree begins. It creates sentences (although nonsensical, I think that adds to the nonlinear idea even further/emphasises etc) using words that are used within the narrative. Very clever; you begin to get words joining up to create very funny and odd sentences.

I've thought about potential plot lines to no avail. I have it in my head that I really want to use fairy tales in one way or another, but I don't want to get bogged down trying to think of a concept that will make the flow of the story successful. I tried to think of recipes - which usually have to follow a very linear path (unless you're Rachel and make that legendary meat trifle.)

I suppose one way to do it would be to let the reader end up making the most ridiculous dishes; same with instructions. Manuals for electrical items, directions to different places, flat pack instructions, - trip to Ikea anybody?

I also need to take into consideration how it will look, and if I do do something with fairy tales, it will probably have to have some illustrative element to it.

I was reading up on how to write your own Choose Your Own Adventure and once again a visual map helps see how to outline.

I need to plan;

Outline/Route of plot.

Wish me luck.

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