Monday 18 October 2010

Dynamic Word: Ideas...please!

Ok so not really thought of any ideas for the project which is probably bad seeing I need to have started the storyboard by Thursday. I've got a couple of notions but don't feel too over the top about them and I don't want to end up doing something I'm not enjoying because that will mean it will be rubbish, basically!
My first thought was to, as I mentioned yesterday, create odd recipes but after some thought I think the only possible way to do this would be to create a narrative with a branching format - So the narrative will continue to be quite linear, because I think it would be difficult to crossover, the story would flow, although with different choices. Also, I want an element of surprise and with a recipe, I suppose in some way you would begin to get what you were 'making' as you read on and on.

" Interactive fiction could only be written on and experienced through a computer. Primitive distant relations exist in book form-"decision novels"-but their relationship to true interactive fiction is as close as a calculator's might be to a computer. Reading a decision novel is much like walking along a path: when you come to a fork in the path, you must decide on the left path or the right path. You cannot leave the path. Decision books look a lot more like novels than interactive fiction. They are cleverly woven stories that overlap at certain points and they are a far cry from being interactive. They do allow you a choice, a "decision," but what happens if you want to do something that is not one of the preconceived choices?"

That is basically what I'm trying to say.

I suppose I could do something like the building/constructing idea I had, but I think that would end up in the same way as the recipe idea - there would have to be fixed decisions.

I then thought about my citzenship lessons at school, which reminded me of

and how, especially towards the end in year 11, we had to make all these CHOICES.
So I consider life routes, pick a choice, see where you end up.

The problem I have is that I can see it being hideously boring. Because who would want to play a game for fun about life choices when we make them everyday? I suppose I could make it as if I was designing it for a school, but I don't think it would push the medium very much, or my ideas.

The other idea was words, looking back at the 'Exquisite Copse.' After doing a crossword, you find some very funny words in the dictionary and I was thinking of doing something with these words (i.e. words that are archaic/ uncommon/silly etc etc) and creating bizarre sentences. So the structure would have to follow a noun, signifier, adverb, verb etc flow.

I'll probably blog again later, still with a lack of inspiration.

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