Wednesday 20 October 2010

Dynamic Word: Getting just a bit complicated now...

That's my story board for the dream idea I had. Its so complicated, I can't even read it. I've given each page a set 3 of links. And the game will loop - like a dream, it will be quite repetitive. So, for example, if you land on a page with a link to page 4, the link won't carry on to a new page it will return to page 4, and you will start again, so to speak. There are a few dead ends, but all 50 pages are looped. The numbers relate to the items/subjects that will appear in the 'dream.'
I've themed everything, and I have 10 themes, i.e. food, colour etc and for each theme there are 5 items. I've also written down each page, with link numbers on to. I used a random number generator to choose the 3 links that would go on each page, and each different page will appear at least twice throughout the whole game.

 I'm also looking at fairy tales.
I've no idea if I'm doing either right, but the fairy tale story board is MUCH harder, because the story has to flow in some way or another whereas the dream will be completely random!
I was reading up on some ways to create and interactive narrative structure which helped, its just coming up with ideas - I'm worried I'm not being original enough!!
I also read up on where the medium began which was interesting because it told me about the many ways of presenting a story, along with character development etc etc. And not really specifically for this but The Guardian highlighted different types/styles of games.

Also with the fairy tale theme there will be a lot more room to have a really illustrative feel to it and there could be many ways of presenting the pages. I stumbled across this as a possible way to design my pages.
Its really cute!!

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