Tuesday 26 October 2010

Dynamic Word: How's it going?

Woah, haven't written anything for a while.
Anywho I have been busy with project but I feel it is going nowhere. I've been planning, redoing, planning, laying out all the ideas for the fairy tale narrative and always get so far and get stuck so I still need to do A LOT of work for the storyboard.

However I think I have made a productive start and I have begun (even thou my creative writing isn't that great) writing out the story for each of the individual pages.

"Once upon a time...

You are Prince Charming; and your father, the King, has told you you are to find a bride if you wish to take his place and rule the Kingdom of Far Far Away. It is well known that they are many suitable Princesses beyond the Great Forest in the kingdom but it will be down to you to find a Princess to call your bride. You know there will be many obstacles and challenges on your quest to find your one true love, but you want to begin your journey at once.

You decide that you will begin your quest by starting at the Great Forest – a deep, dark and dangerous region of the kingdom, where few people enter and even fewer return. You leave the castle, say farewell to the King and Queen, and set off on your journey.

You reach the entrance of the Great Forest and you find there are three paths that you could take.
The first path, the right path, smells of rotting wood
The second path, the middle path, has a strange noise coming from it
The third path, the left path, looks dark and creepy"

You decide to take

  • The Right Path
  • The Middle Path
  • The Left Path

It still needs a lot of work and I've been using this site to help me think of ways to describe the settings and situations - really helpful!
Other Fairy Tales
I also read up on how to write a fairy tale, which was really helpful. As the main character (i.e. the audience) is a Prince I need to remember that he needs to be brave and courageous as that is the stereotype. So when, in my narrative, he creeps by the three pigs and doesn't help them against the big bad wolf, the reader would be 'punished' by a dead end. It also showed me the common features of fairy tales so I could retain that for my narrative.
I've had a lot of thought about layout and I would like to present the story as a book, i.e. pages of a book.
I'm getting a bit worried because I am nowhere near ready for crit on Thursday. I hope that I will be able to show at least one link but I want my work to look really good, the story to flow and the idea to be flawless. I think I am over-complicating it for myself.
On the other hand I have thought greatly about the way I would like the pages to look referring back to my post on 20th of Oct. I remember looking at Sanna Annukka when doing the illustrator workshops last year, and I really like the intricate detail and folky feel to her work. It is bright and simple, yet it is really interesting to look at and the use of block colours is another quality that I like about her work. She is also currently working with M&S for their winter designs.
This is an idea/style I would like to explore for the project. It will also allow me to enhance my illustrator skills; a program that I'm not that confident with, so by using a combination of photoshop and illustrator I hope to put into practice some of the techniques I learned last year.


So I drew some trees for the forest in the style of. And then I blocked them out in illustrator. I want to make a lot of images (places, animals, people, building the list is endless!) so currently I think I should just use basics and leave pattern/detail until I have time!! I need to have something of substance for Thursday. I think I will use a specific colour scheme with the aid of Kuler. I will probably transfers to PS to play around with the image.

Font is also important and I have looked at a range on 'dafont.com' I'm going to download a couple of the ones I think would work best and try them in a layout.

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