Wednesday 13 October 2010

Dynamic Word: Visual Poems

Looking at type in motion was helpful because it displayed ways in which words can be used. I especially like the 'There will be blood' video which makes the words into what they are, i.e. the milkshake in a glass the straw etc. You can also see how words are emphasized through size, elongating, colour, stretching etc etc. It shows me the many different ways sounds and rhymes could be portrayed. Even meaning is enhances by the way it is presented. For example with the 'Fight Club' video the use of red for fight club helps it stand out, and extra things like the 'over' stamp just enhance the idea that when a fight is over, its over, done, official.
Many of the videos here work so the words flow, not in a linear way, but so the camera can follow. The text often makes a 'box' like shape, or the words fit a very geometric system that is not linear but works in the way. These videos often highlight as well that not everything has to be in a line to be legible and flipping on its side, upside down, or at a diagonal angle still works and is much more interesting and effective - hopefully getting across the point slightly better than if the words were in a generic line.

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